Friday, September 27, 2019

The Impact of Environmental Management System on the Competitive Essay

The Impact of Environmental Management System on the Competitive Advantage of Organizations - Essay Example Several papers have been written over the years discussing the competitive advantages of the environmental model. Unfortunately, most of these papers are either too simplistic or cover only a single aspect of the environmental model. Thus, in-depth studies on EMS are of great value to the future developments of it being in the corporate world. While there is no dearth of literature on why and how adopting Environmental Management System (EMS) can be advantageous, no one has as yet analyzed the variously available kinds of literature to present a comprehensive view of what makes EMS competitive. This paper attempts to fill this knowledge gap by analyzing available literature. This analysis should give a comprehensive view of the various advantages of adopting EMS. Though attempts have been made to include as many journals as possible, including every available literature was beyond the scope of this paper. The analysis in this paper is limited to the most important literature on the i mpact of EMS on the competitive advantage of organizations. The remaining part of the report is divided into various sections, as follows: In section 2, a comprehensive literature review is undertaken in order to establish a theoretical background for studying Environmental Management System and determine key features of EMS with special reference to EMS as a competitive advantage for organizations. The research hypothesis is formulated accordingly. Section 3 deals with research methods and section 4 presents the findings revolving the research hypothesis, based on the qualitative research of the available literature. Then, in section 5, the research is concluded along with the limitations of the research. As mentioned, there is no dearth of literature on EMS and its competitive advantages. This is in part due to the ISO 14001 standard, a voluntary system which is an effective means of continuous environmental improvement for the organization.

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